Stand out from the crowd with personalized B Street shoes!

The world of fashion is constantly expanding and with it thoughts too. Today, we are talking above all about distinction from others, a concept that is now depopulating. The main element of this concept is shoes, which is why we present B Street Shoes, the perfect brand for customizing snekers.
Personalized shoes are shoes that the customer can create and modify to his/her liking (even directly from the home PC), become a fashion that is depopulating social media and beyond.
Choose your favorite style or inspired by the creations available on the site. From laces to fabric motifs, you can customize every element on your shoes. Just choose your favorite shoe model and unleash your creativity.
B Street Shoes was born from the creativity of an American artist, Blake Barash, known for his personalization on sneakers of athletes and celebrities all over the world using a unique and recognizable style.
His brand has created customized sneakers for many celebrities: from Bruno Mars to Billie Ellish, from Zedd to Mark Cuban, from Halsey to Tyler the Creator and many others.

It all started way back in 2010, where Blake worked at Union Bank, a job he had always hated, and then devoted himself to painting and personalizing things for friends. He started selling some of his customizations on MySpace.
In the summer of the same year, Blake received a very important call from a friend who informed him that TOMS was looking for a new artist who could customize the clothing. So it was that Blake started painting personalized shoes for the “Style Your Sole” events in California.
In mid-2011, Blake quits to pursue his true passion and direction, thus starting something new.

Blake was already successful in his first year thanks to his personalized sneakers. In 2015, the New York Times highlighted his works in the art section, increasing his sales and views. A real turning point.
Celebrities began to notice shoes, such as Bruno Mars who requested a pair of Nikes with an original Versace print. Around the same time, the NFL released its dress code and players were allowed to wear painted and customized cleats for an institution. Charity of their choice and then put on the charity auction.

To give vent to your creativity and buy a beautiful pair of personalized shoes, distinguishing yourself from your friends, you can visit the website. Or you can choose a model, proposed by the brand, that approaches your ideas and your style.