Gaxs Watches: the DNA clocks

The choice of new watches that fit their needs, at the same time and budget at the same time, is for every man an often arduous task. There are a lot of different situations that we are dealing with satisfactorily. But how can you think it’s your ideal model when the market offers an infinite choice? If you’re asking this question, then you’re in the right place! My name is Samuele, and in my little article dedicated to men’s watches where you find useful guides, tips and reviews to choose the one that best suits your needs. Thank you for looking at your Gaxs eyes.

What is Gaxs Watches? Buy now your leisure watch design with your look of designing timeless watches with high quality and an affordable price that puts all the style, that extra something in your everyday look. We want to offer the opportunity to wear more than one watch during all the different situations and events in a day (that’s why the quality-price ratio is fundamental in every type of watch chosen).

With our minds set on this goal, we have started the journey towards finding a manufacturer able to meet our needs in terms of quality and design. After identifying a partner, I worked with details and clothes and sent the watches back and forth all over the world. At the end of 2012 we published our first collection that continues to evolve day after day, month after month, year after year. Our second collection in June 2015 and the third one will be a year later, in June 2016.

All our watches are advanced by our team in Stockholm, Sweden. Clean the angular design combined with different materials like stainless steel, genuine leather and canvas. Gaxs DNA clocks.

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