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Imaan Abdulle and her passion for dance
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Imaan Abdulle and her passion for dance

Well my name is Imaan Abdulle. I am 20 years old and I am from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I am a new model and I recently got signed to my first agency which is super exciting! So yes modeling is something I like to do, but I also love photography and of course dance!
What are your passions?
Hmm, well I have a couple I think. But my biggest passion and most important would be people I think. I love being able to help and inspire people as much as I can. That is something that I think is most important in life. Perhaps it has to do with that my brother was born ill, but I really want to try help as much as I can and make a change.

Tell us about your passion regarding dance.
Oh yes, I love dance! I am really into ballet and modern dance. I started quite late actually than most dancers. I still have lots to learn, but I love it a lot. A while ago I went into a more serious dance academy which was quite a big thing to me. Nowadays I am more so focused on modeling and school
When did you get passionate about the dance world?
Others really inspired me. I loved seeing other people dance, especially ballerinas. I think they are so beautiful. So that really inspired me a lot.
And the trick?
Ha. I wouldn’t know, but I’d like to know the trick myself too ha. I think it’s just about trying the best you can and having passion. That I believe will get you the furthest.
What are your dreams?
I’m going to have to be a bit cheesy and say, being happy. I think many people have that dream. I mean being happy in life and feeling very fulfilled. So that could be having helped and inspired people, having been a successful model, being married et cetera. I have a bunch of dreams.
Have you ever made one come true?
Hmm.. Not yet, but I am on my way! Or I guess, partly. But nowhere close to where I want to be!
Is there anyone you would like to thank for supporting you in life?
My family, my friends and definitely my faith.
Tell us about your love life:
Ha, well it’s going allright. But once it really goes well, I guess you’ll find out for yourself ha.
Thank you.

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