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Nae: the pure vegan footwear brand.
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Nae: the pure vegan footwear brand.

It is important to pay attention to the labels not only when going to the supermarket, but also when you go to buy a jacket, a sweater or a pair of boots: in the clothing sector, the killing of animals is unfortunately widespread. Vegan fabrics can be divided into natural, synthetic and artificial fibers. If we want to be 100% vegan, we absolutely need to make use of synthetic  fibers  available from naturally occurring materials, such as cellulose and Nae is what it does for us.








Nae (No Animal Exploitation) is a Portuguese  100% vegan footwear brand that proposes a fair and animal-friendly alternative against human exploitation and respect to the environment. Nae vegan shoes are winning for their quality, design and sustainability. They represent a responsible lifestyle that combines the elegance of the excellent Portuguese footwear design and the ecological conscience at all stages of production.






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A footwear brand born under the assumption of no animal exploitation and focus not only the natural and ecological materials, but also the design,  style and quality that are already recognized in Portuguese footwear. All the products Nae manufactures are ethical and designed for the consumer and their daily comfort. What more? Super comfy and gorgeous shoes, fit perfectly, made naturally  from recycled and natural materials such as cork, pineapple, airbag and PET: plastic bottles, and synthetic materials as ecological microfibers.  

Nae says: “Our strategy is to create modern products that designed for everyday use. The products are manufactured only in certified factories of Portugal, where they respect their employees and ain’t using any product of animal origin or that damages the environment”.  With this great strategy, Nae has founded a perfect balance between ethics and style.  Choose Nae means  to have a great concept for better footware and vegan accessories, giving a contribute to sustainable fashion giving our customers the alternative of acquiring products made with respect for the environment and workers’ rights in the fashion industry.

SHOP: Nae Vegan

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