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Welcome to Sarah’s World
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Welcome to Sarah’s World

I am Sarah, 24 years old and the new member ambassador of JFM. I am a swedish, austrian mix , born in germany and raised in spain – a culture cocktail I guess.

After I finished school I went straight to working. I opened my own real estate agency and enjoyed life. A few month ago I partially moved to monaco so now I jump back and forth every now and then between the two places and get the best out of both.

I love to travel whenever I can, explore new places and make memories. In my free time you will find me on my horse, with music in my ears and happiness in my heart. I also love to workout, draw and enjoy some quality time with my friends, family and little dog.

Driven by the obstacles we had to overcome in life, me and my brother have designed our own clothing brand.

Sick of seeing what some people have to go through and disappointed of the little humanity that seems to be left in our society, we were driven by the urge to make everyone realise that they are not alone – NONSERVIAM was born.

Nonserviam is latin and means „I will not serve“. With this brand we want the world to feel united again. We want everyone who wears our clothing to feel strong and unbreakable. To know that nothing can bring them to their knees and to make them feel powerful enough to settle for nothing less than their dreams. Nonserviam is supposed to bring back hope and perspective for every person we can possibly reach.

No matter what happens, no matter how big the lemons are that life throws at you sometimes, no  matter how high the obstacles or how low the hope might seem. No matter who or what is trying to bring us down- We do not serve, We Suprise !

Check out my instagram page to follow my journey through this crazy thing called live !

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